This is a place to get an editor from RandomVideoEditors.

Hi, RandomVideoEditors here. I edit as a job for some clients and as a hobby. If you are looking for an editor, try an example for $25.00 for a 30-minute video of a test edit from me. You can contact me using the contact button below. We can discuss our price range if you want an editor from us. (Prices might vary depending on the length of the videos altogether.) As well as what your plan is/ your editing style for the videos you would like to be done on them.

More about our brand

We aim to provide our customers with customized content. We utilize the cutting-edge video-based editing software DaVinci Resolve Studio 19 Beta to achieve this. For photo editing, we rely on Pixelmator Pro. Our journey in editing began as a hobby in early to mid-2015, and since November 2022, we have been editing for a small—to medium-sized YouTuber.

About My History Of Tech I Used To Edit On

I started editing in the early to mid-2015 and have been editing ever since. I started editing on iMovie for the iPad about two years back in 2015. Then, I went to iMovie on a MacBook Air 11" 2015 Intel I5 for three years to 2018. Then, I went from iMovie to Adobe Premiere Pro 2018 on a MacBook Pro 13" 2017 Intel I7 and was on that for two years to 2020. Then, I went to Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 on a MacBook Pro 13” 2020 M1 for three years to 2023. Then, I finally went to Adobe Premiere Pro 2023 and on the MacBook Pro 16" 2023 M2 Max stock highest spec. We have moved on from Adobe Premiere Pro 2024 CC (Creative Cloud). To DaVinci Resolve Studio 19 Beta. And for photo editing, we rely on Pixelmator Pro.

Latest on Instagram @randomvideoeditors

Latest on TikTok @theflbc

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